After School

Fun, Active, Enriching

We believe that our students’ education does not end when they leave the classroom. Our After School program is designed to serve the needs of all our families and is offered entirely onsite until 6pm. There is room for all CACS students in After School. The program is fee-based with financial aid for families that qualify.

K-Club serves our Kindergartners after their earlier dismissal time. K-Club includes a snack and outdoor activities until 3pm. There is an extended day option to transition to the second phase of After School activities, where they join our other students for an afternoon of activities.

The After School program from 3:15-6pm is a unique environment due to the mixing of ages, and very often feels family-like in nature. Our program consists of outdoor recess / snack and indoor enrichment activities. These activities can include science or art projects, seasonal projects, larger scaled art projects andafterschool games. Our students’ interests drive our program, and they are a large part of the decision-making regarding what we do. Our job is to insure they have fun while extending their learning day. Every Tuesday we have a power hour of homework for all students and 4th/ 5th grade have a daily homework option. We also have additional providers of activities. These have included: Academic Chess, Academy of Tae Kwondo, Ave Capoeira, Tree Frog Treks, and Blue Bear guitar.


Our After School staff are an essential part of our community and often get to know students in completely different ways than our classroom teachers and support staff do. Each staff member contributes a unique quality to our program. While teachers change year to year, the After School staff remains a consistent part of a child’s 9-year school experience. After School staff attend all professional development, health and safety trainings, and school community events to ensure program consistency. Please email: [email protected] if you have any questions.