CACS First Graders at Poems Under the Dome

On April 24, two of our first graders, Evie M. and Zimry R., will celebrate National Poetry Month at City Hall, performing alongside San Francisco’s Poet Laureate, Alejandro Murguía, as well as poets from Wallenberg High School and Mission High School. They will...

Seventh Graders Participate in Service Learning

The seventh grade participated in their third service learning activity for the year, focusing on a wide variety of issues important to San Francisco. One advisory group spent the day learning about the organizations that serve the people of the SOMA community. Rudy...

CACS Focuses on Environmental Issues

On Tuesday, our students were very fortunate to be visited by H20 EarthCapades, whose mission is to demonstrate that “saving the planet can be fun”. The performers educated our students about serious environmental issues and taught practical solutions...

CACS Hosts Global Lives Project

Last week, CACS hosted the Global Lives Project, an interactive video project that focuses on cultivating empathy across cultures. The project curates a collection of films that capture the lives of people around the world. Eight television screens were set up in the...